Saturday, March 07, 2009

it ain't easy.

i've started this new job and it hasn't been easy. it's the first time in... a long time, that i've started a job where i don't know anyone. i've struggled with what this job forces me to do. it forces me to be social - very social. and comfortable with touching people. and i have to be cheerful. and everything is new! i'm completely out of my comfort zone and i don't remember ever being so scared. all of these things have been a struggle - but as challenging as it's been, it feels good that i'm being forced to grow. 

i feel like i'm more comfortable with conversing with strangers. i'm getting better at learning names. i'm doing things that make me horribly uncomfortable. but i know that soon -hopefully sooner than later - these things won't feel as uncomfortable as they do now. and eventually, they may even feel natural. 

it's good. i think it will be good. maybe even great. 

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