Friday, November 17, 2006

a few things.

a few things i like about today.

it's friday.
it's my last day on the job as a robot.
it's my last day sitting at a desk surrounded by evil, pessimistic man-bashers.
there's a glass of wine in my near future.

this weekend my platinum dress will be replaced by paint clothes. but i'm really looking forward to making the condo a cozy McHome.

on monday i start my new job! all this change is starting to feel refreshing and exciting - even if it is a little overwhelming.

cuz i can totally handle it.

Monday, November 13, 2006

they are.

he squeezed her hand as they stood next to each other, moments away from becoming husband and wife. it was sometime after seeing this that i stopped being cynical about their relationship. and came to the realization of just how happy they are going to be together. and then i cried. a lot. i cried more at this wedding than any other wedding i've ever been to. i cried at the rehearsal, and it didn't stop at the ceremony. i cried at the reception. and again when it was all over. and then i nearly cried the next day at gift opening when i heard what they had both secretly engraved on the other's ring.

the whole weekend went well, despite a snowstorm on friday that required a bit of regrouping for the rehearsal dinner. i had a great time and it was worth all the stress about the bra, the dress, the gift, the shoes, the ride home, the outdoor pictures, and the missing roomate and sister. i danced the night away and didn't realize until it was too late that my too small shoes took three painful chunks of skin from my right foot. holy cow does it hurt! and i don't see it healing any time soon, as all of my shoes seem to hit those three spots all too well. but again, it was well worth it.

now i'm in a bit of post-wedding depression that usually happens to me after another of my friends gets married - probably because of the gaping lack of a relationship of my own. not that i'm not happy for each of my friends - they've all chosen spouses that i more than approve of - but when i see them all together, it's a reminder of how far i am from being there. and it takes me some time to get over it.

so today i'm gonna turn up my christmas music (they're already playing it on the radio!) and do what's necessary to get myself feel better. it may take a few days, but i imagine that my hope for the future will slowly return.

it usually does.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

get me to the church on time.

today is the last day that my mom is going to own the house that i grew up in.
starting tomorrow and for the next 2 weeks, i'll be living in someone else's house. gah!

but i don't have time to think about that, because in one hour i'll be out of work and off to the cancer booth, er......tanning booth, and then to the grocery store for some delicious (yet surprisingly inexpensive) champagne for the wedding limo. this weekend i'm set to do all things girly. i'm getting my hair and make up done, but i'm seriously looking forward to my manicure and pedicure tomorrow. i have hope that, on saturday, i'll survive the bra of death and go on to become a highly intoxicated bridesmaid extraordinaire in platinum!

ahh, what a vision!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


an open letter to my sister:

shut up! i haven’t said a single word for 3 minutes. that does not a conversation make. and when i do tell you something, it doesn't give you complete freedom to analyze the hell out of it! not everything needs to be dissected. sometimes, i'm just trying to tell you how my day went. or what's happening with me.

occasionally i have news to share with you. like, i got a new job. but we never get around to that when we talk because you can't stop yapping long enough for me to tell you anything. and when we do finally get around to me (because you've run out of things to say), it's late and i want to go to bed. or you've pissed me off so much that i don't want to talk to you anymore. one time, you talked to me for over 5 minutes about an old yogurt container.

and stop eating when you're on the phone with me. it's gross!

p.s. i'm never gonna say this to you because i love you too much. and i know that this is just how you are.
but sometimes it sucks.