Friday, November 17, 2006

a few things.

a few things i like about today.

it's friday.
it's my last day on the job as a robot.
it's my last day sitting at a desk surrounded by evil, pessimistic man-bashers.
there's a glass of wine in my near future.

this weekend my platinum dress will be replaced by paint clothes. but i'm really looking forward to making the condo a cozy McHome.

on monday i start my new job! all this change is starting to feel refreshing and exciting - even if it is a little overwhelming.

cuz i can totally handle it.

Monday, November 13, 2006

they are.

he squeezed her hand as they stood next to each other, moments away from becoming husband and wife. it was sometime after seeing this that i stopped being cynical about their relationship. and came to the realization of just how happy they are going to be together. and then i cried. a lot. i cried more at this wedding than any other wedding i've ever been to. i cried at the rehearsal, and it didn't stop at the ceremony. i cried at the reception. and again when it was all over. and then i nearly cried the next day at gift opening when i heard what they had both secretly engraved on the other's ring.

the whole weekend went well, despite a snowstorm on friday that required a bit of regrouping for the rehearsal dinner. i had a great time and it was worth all the stress about the bra, the dress, the gift, the shoes, the ride home, the outdoor pictures, and the missing roomate and sister. i danced the night away and didn't realize until it was too late that my too small shoes took three painful chunks of skin from my right foot. holy cow does it hurt! and i don't see it healing any time soon, as all of my shoes seem to hit those three spots all too well. but again, it was well worth it.

now i'm in a bit of post-wedding depression that usually happens to me after another of my friends gets married - probably because of the gaping lack of a relationship of my own. not that i'm not happy for each of my friends - they've all chosen spouses that i more than approve of - but when i see them all together, it's a reminder of how far i am from being there. and it takes me some time to get over it.

so today i'm gonna turn up my christmas music (they're already playing it on the radio!) and do what's necessary to get myself feel better. it may take a few days, but i imagine that my hope for the future will slowly return.

it usually does.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

get me to the church on time.

today is the last day that my mom is going to own the house that i grew up in.
starting tomorrow and for the next 2 weeks, i'll be living in someone else's house. gah!

but i don't have time to think about that, because in one hour i'll be out of work and off to the cancer booth, er......tanning booth, and then to the grocery store for some delicious (yet surprisingly inexpensive) champagne for the wedding limo. this weekend i'm set to do all things girly. i'm getting my hair and make up done, but i'm seriously looking forward to my manicure and pedicure tomorrow. i have hope that, on saturday, i'll survive the bra of death and go on to become a highly intoxicated bridesmaid extraordinaire in platinum!

ahh, what a vision!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


an open letter to my sister:

shut up! i haven’t said a single word for 3 minutes. that does not a conversation make. and when i do tell you something, it doesn't give you complete freedom to analyze the hell out of it! not everything needs to be dissected. sometimes, i'm just trying to tell you how my day went. or what's happening with me.

occasionally i have news to share with you. like, i got a new job. but we never get around to that when we talk because you can't stop yapping long enough for me to tell you anything. and when we do finally get around to me (because you've run out of things to say), it's late and i want to go to bed. or you've pissed me off so much that i don't want to talk to you anymore. one time, you talked to me for over 5 minutes about an old yogurt container.

and stop eating when you're on the phone with me. it's gross!

p.s. i'm never gonna say this to you because i love you too much. and i know that this is just how you are.
but sometimes it sucks.

Friday, October 20, 2006

it begins.

the bachelorette weekend begins tonight! and in preparing for it, i have done the following:

constructed a silver "miss bachelorette" sash
personalized a pair of panties with various martini iron-ons
purchased skimpy lingerie for the bride-to-be
baked my signature penis cake (complete with jimmies for pubes)
brainstormed naughty names for the partygoers (including sharon goodluvin, kitty cumsalot, leigh nover, anita spankin, and rhoda johnson)
charged the battery on my digital camera to record the inevitable debauchery

there's just one thing left to do. figure out what i'm gonna wear to this shindig. but i'm takin' off work early go shoppin'!

i'm getting excited now about a party that i was kind of dreading. and despite seeing a band that sings other band's songs, i think we'll have a good time.

hope it lives up to my expectations!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

one busy girl.

i have been so busy lately. planning my friend's bachelorette party and preparing for her wedding. helping my mom sell her house, pack it up, and figure out plans to prepare the new condo. i'm also trying to get back into the habit of working out. and i'm working lots of hours. all while making a real effort to go to bed earlier every night. exhaustion and i don't work well together.

if i'm not making a "miss bachelorette" sash, i'm sorting through my old barbies or making a birthday present for my friend because i can't afford to buy her one. good thing i'm crafty.

but quite frankly, i'm getting overwhelmed. here's why:

the bachelorette party. the planning of it has fallen onto me and one other bridesmaid. where's the matron of honor? where's the sister of the bride? who knows?! i've had to go shopping for naughty party favors, help with invitations, plan the games, make the sash, find panties that convey something about me, and bake a penis cake. not only that, but this bachelorette party is going on for 2 full days! i should really be calling it the bachelorette weekend.

the house/condo transition. while i'm ecstatic about the house selling, the timing couldn't possibly be worse. it really couldn't. the closing date on the condo is november 10th, the day before the wedding - the day of the rehearsal dinner and the day we decorate the hall. it's also the last day i can starve myself to fit into that dress. and it seems that i will be the only daughter/packer/cleaner/painter/lifter of heavier things available to help during all of this, as one sister lives across the country, and the other will be out of the country. oy.

the size of my ass. it's big. and it's gotta stop. i did really well a few months ago, i was working out everyday, eating really healthy, and then i stopped. and all of the big butted-ness that i had lost came back. so now i've got to start all over. which means i gotta get off my ass, put down the chocolate, and get on that treadmill.

my job/finances. i decided to stay at my current job as a robot through the year. which means i need to work some serious overtime if there's ever hope of paying off my credit card and moving out. it means staying late everyday and coming in on the weekends. you know, after i've sorted through all of the fashion plates and cabbage patch dolls.

it overwhelms me just writing it all down. it's probably best that i'm so busy. otherwise i'd have time to stop and think about the fact that november 26th is the last day that i'm ever going to be in the house that i grew up in.

i really need some chocolate.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


yesterday i ordered lunch from jimmy john's. i had the # 13 on wheat, no mayo. it's delish. the best part about this sandwich has to be the numerous layers of provolone cheese with avocado spread in between. it's a lot of cheese, but it's yummy. however, after enjoying half of my sandwich an ache began to develop in my lower intestines. a lingering ache, but nothing ever came of it. i thought it was just a fluke, as i am sometimes prone to stomach aches and issues. around 3:00 i decided to eat the other half of my sandwich. the ache worsened. and since then, anytime i eat, i get the ache. the same thing happened to me last weekend after i shared a cheese pizza with a friend - 2 days of misery. and as much as i hate to admit it, i think it's the cheese.

growing up, i never liked cheese. i would eat it on pizza or in macaroni, but never on a cracker or a slice of it by itself. but one day in may of 1999 changed my life forever. it was the day of my sister's graduation from college and it was the day i began to love cheese. i remember watching my mom prepare the plate of cubed cheese the night before and actually being quite disgusted by it. the next day, on the drive to my sister's house, i suddenly began to crave it. i could hardly wait until we got there to get my hands on some delicious cheese. i've since learned that every 7 years, your taste buds change - so i suspect that's what happened. but i doubt that many people can trace their change back to the exact day it occurred the way i can.

i think i've been in denial about my lactose sensitivity for a while. i stopped drinking milk about a year ago because of the stomach aches it gave me. and i rarely eat ice cream for the same reason. i notice that when i eat cheese (or any dairy), my abdomen swells to the point that i could pass for a woman 6 months pregnant. my body just doesn't know how to handle it. and i feel like crap until it's out of my system, like today. i seem to have outgrown dairy, and the fact that it's gotten to the point where i have to give up cheese makes me sad. especially because there are still so many kinds out there that i haven't tried yet! i know dairy products are really unhealthy anyway and nothing but good things will come from me giving it up.

but it's still a sad day for the cheese enthusiast that i have become.

Monday, October 09, 2006

screw you, walt disney.

after spending the weekend with my various engaged and married friends at another friend's cinderella themed wedding and while hearing all about my sister's new boyfriend, and the guy my best friend is seeing - i have come to one ultimate and undeniable conclusion.

i suppose i'm really the only one to blame. instead of talking to any of the single guys at the reception, i spent the evening putting 5 tiny glass slippers onto each of my toes.

i think it's safe to say i'm no cinderella. and my life is no fairy tale.

Friday, October 06, 2006

oh sh*t.

last night i went to see the house that two of my almost married friends just bought. a '70s style ranch in desperate need of some elbow grease and updating, but with definite potential. we had just walked out of the bathroom after a good 10 minute rant about how horribly the last owners decorated it - a blend of metallic gold and peach. we walked into the master bedroom, painted green - a color that can only be described as a combination of mint and lime. i walked up to the wall, tapped my fingernails on it and said with the most sarcasm i could muster, "and this is a lovely color in here, too."

my friend looked at me and said, "actually, this is the color we painted it."


there was no making it better.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


i am in a mood so foul, i'm surprised my co-workers aren't passing out from the stench.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

the moanster.

in an effort to make as much noise as possible and annoy me to the fullest extent, one of my neighbors in the cubicle farm has made a habit of letting letting out, sigh whenever she yawns. i couldn't complain if it were just a normal sigh, the type of sigh one normally expels while yawning - but this sigh sounds a bit...erotic. as if she's enjoying herself a little more than anyone ever should while within a 5 mile radius of this building. she's also taken up letting out a little moan every time she is in any way disgruntled or annoyed. and she's disgruntled and annoyed a whole lot. the moans tend to have the same erotic undertones as the sighs. and every time she does either, i shudder.

she's an older gal, and in no way naive. she knows what she's doing. and she's a cruel monster for doing it.


Monday, October 02, 2006

fully vested.

today i am wearing a sweater vest. i also wore a sweater vest on the day that i got my driver's license. october 20, 1997 was likely one of the last days that i ever wore my orange argyle sweater vest. looking back, i never would have predicted that the trend of the sweater vest could come back around so quickly that almost 9 years to the day, i find myself wearing one again.

with the return of skinny jeans and leggings, all i can do is pray that tappered, stonewashed jeans are not to follow. cuz that's just ugly.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

where i'd rather be.

today i am sick. runny nose, sore throat, fever, headache sick. i could feel it coming on yesterday. each passing minute left me feeling a little worse and by the end of the day i was miserable. so last night i loaded up on opc-3 and headed to bed early. still, i woke up this morning with the incredible urge to turn off the alarm, call in sick, and go back to bed.

instead i got up, took some more opc, took a very long, hot shower and headed to work. and now all i want to do is tell my boss i'm leaving early. i want to go home, put on my pajamas and fleece socks, get some blankets and my pillow and lay on the couch for the rest of the afternoon. i want to watch a wedding story and a baby story (even though i shouldn't be allowed to watch either). i want to drift into and out of sleep.

however, leaving early today is not an option. so instead i'll drink my echinacea immune support tea and my orange juice. i'll turn up my headphones and listen to radiohead. i'll sit at my desk with my dwindling box of kleenex and make the best of today.

but you can be be pretty sure of what i'm doing when i get home.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Rainy days and Mondays.....

Here's a recap of how my day has been going so far.

I woke up late after having one of the most truly bizarre dreams that may have ever been had. I keep thinking about it and each time I wonder, what kind of person, even though unconscious could really come up with such a ridiculous scenario? Anyway, I was so late that I didn't have time to stop for gas, but I was sure I'd have enough to make it to work. However, I did not plan on traffic being an issue and I certainly did not have enough gas to go 19 mph for 2 miles on the freeway. Only rarely do I hit traffic, but the combination of being 30 minutes late and the fact that I'm pretty sure the gods hate me, I was stuck. Miraculously enough, after having only 3 minor heart attacks, I made it off the freeway and coasted into the gas station with 6 oz of fuel left in my tank. At the Citgo, there was a handsome young man in a pink shirt with perfectly coiffed hair fueling up his porsche. The gods do not hate him.

When I finally arrived at work, I was informed of a co-workers unexpected absence - and in this absence, I would be in charge of this co-workers miserable job. Ugh.

I decided I needed a break and something yummy for lunch. I headed out for my local grocer's salad bar. After nearly being attacked twice by the unruly children of the rich snobs who frequent this local grocer and after careful avoidance of the hot produce guy stocking the bananas (I'm not lookin' good today), I was in line with a delicious salad in hand. And for the next 7 minutes I watched the cashier awkwardly help the elderly woman in front of me with a few small items. 7 minutes. She was new, and really quite cluless about how to do her job. I would have gone into another line, but I was trapped. A man was behind me now, fully blocking any attempt I might have had at an escape.

Upon my arrival back at the office, a co-worker informed me that it is going to snow on Thursday, my day off. It's going to snow in September. On my day off.

Oh, miserable day. And it's not over yet.

Friday, September 22, 2006